SAT is the most important test you’ll have during your youth. It is one of those detrimental tests. The way you handle it could determine your future. Yes, this sounds too serious, but in the majority of cases, the situation is like we said. SATs can cause a lot of stress among teenagers who are only finishing their primary education and are scheduling for the biggest challenge in their lives so far – college. But, before one enrolls to the desired university, one needs to get their SAT results.
The goal is simple. When you’re doing SATs you desire to get the highest result possible. With a high result, you will be entitled to be a candidate at some of the country’s most prestigious schools. While it is intended for the young audience, only fresh from high school this test is life-defining. So, what are you supposed to do? Well, of course, you should study. You should study a lot. Among other options you have at your disposal we would love to recommend this article. Let us help you handle the SAT essay with excellence. Below you have some of the most essential tips for test day. Check them out.
Create a Study Schedule

Let’s start with a simple tip. Before you begin studying, ensure that you create a schedule. This could make a difference between only passing a test and acing it. You want the latter. Aim for the Ivy League colleges, and end up where you fall. But giving your best is a must. This is where a schedule comes into play. You must be focused on the test in question around the clock. Focus on the areas in which you know less. Study them more. Most of your schedule must be dedicated to eradicating the weak ends of your knowledge. The fastest way to create a valuable schedule is to schedule the test day. When you learn of the day of the test it will be much easier to organize your time around it. The best route to take is to study a few hours a day before increasing that number as the day of reckoning approaches.
Use The Best Materials Available
The moment you have the schedule in place it is time to focus on your study time. But, you can’t pick just any literature. It will not help you. What you’re required to do is to pick the best possible books at your disposal. There is literature for SAT available all over the place, but you require the best of good sources. Some of the ideal ones can be found at places such as the College Board website. This is the ideal place to find some of the finest examples of the given test, previous answers, tips on learning and answering, and see examples of the test itself. Furthermore, you can seek help from other outlets the likes you can find here.
Work on Your Reading and Writing
In the weeks and even months before the SAT, you must have the utmost focus on your reading and writing skills. They will be two skills you’ll be relying the most on in the coming weeks. As you’ll well aware this is a time-limited test. So, you will be required to read questions and answer them under a limited timeframe. This is quite a stressful task. To avoid making mistakes you must read the question quickly and answer them promptly. If you waste too much time on reading, writing, or understanding the question you will spend even more time on answering them. Even if you know all the answers to a given point, if you run out of time and the test ends you will still fail or receive a lower score than you should have. So, in addition to studying more for this test, you should also work on your reading and writing skills. Speed will be your ally.
Focus on Things you Know

This is essential! When the test begins you will be under a time limit as we said. So, there will be mistakes. When you don’t know an answer that’s game over. It’s a done deal. The mistakes you can’t control are not worth your time. This is why your focus must be on the things you know and those are the aspects of the test you can control. Answer the questions you know, and leave those that you don’t for the end and give them a go then. What you shouldn’t do is fall under the pressure of time limit, not understanding the question and spending too much time on comprehension and the ensuing answer, and not to make any unprovoked errors.
Be Prepared
When the day of the test comes you have no space for mistakes. You need the focus of a champion. Think of Tom Brady or Novak Djokovic. But, most of all you need to be prepared, and we’re not talking only about the time you’ve spent studying. The SAT day will be one of the longest in your life. A stressful day. So, make sure you sleep well the day before, and eat well on the day of the test. You can even do a quick workout session in the morning. Drink a cup of coffee or tea, and dress up accordingly. You might consider layering up because you don’t know the temperature in the room where the test will be conducted. Get there early and have a bottle of water with you. Dehydration can hit hard during stressful times.
Write What You Know

This is a simple winning formula. First, you need to focus on the question you know. Answer those first. Those that you’re not family with leave until the end. If you plan on giving an incorrect answer because you’re not sure, also leave those questions for the last few minutes of the test. When it’s all said and done make sure that you’ve answered all the questions. This is how you’ll give yourself better chances at collecting more points. Remember, a blank answer is a wrong answer. Also, don’t forget that you can retake this test. Many studies show that people usually do better at their second outings.
Bottom Line
We can’t take this test for you, but we can at least help. That’s what we did in this article. Read it a few times and add it to your study schedule. It serves to help.